Sailors Home, Kessingland, with The OVSC (15/06/2024)

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Gather round for a midsummer's night to remember with Skimmington Ride at The Sailors Home, Kessingland, accompanied by the vibrant pulses of The OVSC this 15th of June, 2024. As the sun lingers in the sky, casting its golden hue across the land, prepare to be swept away on a tide of jubilant folk melodies and infectious rhythms.

Skimmington Ride, with their rich arsenal of guitar, double bass, accordion, and banjo, will lead a rambunctious musical voyage that promises to have your feet tapping and your spirits soaring. Embrace the long light of summer and join us for an evening where the traditional sounds of Scottish, English, and Irish music collide in a spectacular explosion of song and celebration. Make sure you're there to be part of the magic as dusk falls on Kessingland with Skimmington Ride steering the ship!

Upcoming Gigs

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Sailors Home, Kessingland, with The OVSC (15/06/2024)
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